Match Day 2017
On March 17, anxious fourth-year medical students filled the University of Virginia’s Old Cabell Hall, along with family and friends, for Match Day 2017. Usually the home of orchestral music and other performances, the hall’s beautiful music on this day was the sound of each student’s name being called by Associate Dean of Curriculum Megan Bray, MD, as the match envelopes were drawn by Dean David S. Wilkes, MD.
At noon, students ripped open their envelopes, followed by a chorus of cheers and happy tears. In all, 149 members of the Class of 2017 were matched to a residency, with an additional 4 students deferring. 21 of those soon-t0-be graduates will be doing all or part of their residency program at the University of Virginia.
“Match Day is all about that big picture view, and it really hammers home the reality that we’ll be taking care of patients as doctors soon,” said Lee Eschenroeder, who matched in internal medicine at the University of Washington.